Posts Tagged ‘images’

Is there a blog on cool image processing stuff for geek end-users?

March 28, 2010

I’m searching for a blog. It should cover topics around cool things one can do with one’s photos.

Maybe you know a blog like that. I’d love you to comment here and point me to this blog.

In order to find with blog, I need someone to read this blog. So I will use this posting to link to blog posts about topics that I would like to be covered by the blog I’m searching for. Maybe someone will come over and tell me which blog to subscribe to. .. so please help me.

Topics I’d like to have covered by the blog I’m searching.

(I will add more links here, and I will occasionally update this blog as long as I haven’t found a blog where somebody else is doing the updating.)

If you know a blog concerned with topics like this. Please let me know by commenting!!! Thanks.